January …

January … 

This month has been solely dedicated to shooting at home. Working towards a project I have been working on based around the town I live in and the surrounding towns. 

Another thing I have been up to is working towards getting some prints ready and looking into the cost of being able to sell prints of my work.

This month I have shot 3 rolls of film and I am currently working through everything I have gotten back and am trying to see if there's any work I’m happy enough with to be able to share.

A goal I have this year is to be able to shoot 50 rolls of film total no matter the format. This is a goal I have set myself this year to try and push myself to always be shooting and to keep my cameras with me. To be more conscious about improving my photography and to keep capturing images and experiences I have.

One massive change I’ve had to my shooting experience is the edition of the Mamiya 7 to my camera collection. This is a camera I have dreamed about for years. Ever since I was at university and I loaned a Mamiya 6 I have found myself always going back to this camera.

For me this is a massive life accomplishment to be able to shoot with both of the cameras I’ve always dreamed about owning. I think this addition to my collection is going to be what drives me to make more images and to be able to push myself into a space I couldn't be in with my M6.

One thing that I am trying to improve on is the media I am consuming in regards to my work. Beforehand I would always look towards people who were amongst the busy streets of New York, LA and London. The main reason I've moved away from these types of videos is that for one my photographic style is moving away from the more traditional ‘Street Photography’. The other reason is that I just don't live in those environments and I found that I would always be longing for something that my area could not give me.

In doing this I feel that I have found a way to develop my eye for a different kind of photography whilst using the ‘Street’ as my foundation. I am now trying to create a formula for images that follows more of what my eyes are drawn to and not what the media says is correct.

To be honest I feel like this is the best thing I have ever done for my photography. I feel less picky about when I will go out and shoot and I'm not so much looking for the ‘Busy’ times of day but I am spending more time thinking about architecture and lighting. Looking more into why I like certain things and how to best show them off with my photography.

Books I have acquired this month:

Inviting Light - Mark Luke Grant

Thirty-Six Views Of Lion Rock - Romain Jacquet-Lagreze 

I’ve added two new photo books to my collection this month. Both of these books have quickly become very quick sources of inspiration to me and I would personally recommend them to anyone looking for new physical media to consume.

Also it's good to support other people in your creative space. Buy people's work…

Speaking of people's work, something I have decided to work towards is selling a small digital only zine of a personal project I have been working on. As this will be my first ever zine I don’t have the cash flow to be able to create physical copies. I’m hoping this is something I can work towards in the future though. I will post more about this as the zine is nearer completion.

Moving into February, something I would like to do is to start making my way outside of my Towns and to be able to start shooting the Cities surrounding me weather permitting…

I was supposed to keep this short…


             Jack x

3/50 Rolls Shot



