This month has been really difficult for making photographs. Poorly twice and awful weather. Due to this I have only been able to shoot 2 rolls this month.
Something I have found out about my photography this month is that I'm becoming less of a fan of being in the city. The allure of street photography is quickly retreating in place of small towns by the sea.
The essence of small town living to me has become something that I find myself wanting to capture. The hustle and bustle of the city has become something that I find little joy in photographing the environment of the English City feels aggressive and uninviting.
It could just be that I have not found the city that best matches my style and ideas in photography.
Something positive…
The Mamiya 7.
I think it is the best tool to be able to make the photographs that are in my mind. The entire user experience end to end with that camera system is for me and what results I am trying to achieve is the 100% best tool for the job. It has given me the definition of 120 film with the speed of an M series camera and I couldn't ask for more.
Voigtlander Color Skopar 35mm f2.5.
A change in pace for my M6.
I’ve sold my 28mm Elmarit for something not as wide angle. I’ve not gone for something in the other extreme though just the next mm tighter. Throughout January I had been thinking and pondering on the idea that the results I had been getting from a 28mm lens just felt too wide and I could not get what I wanted from a scene. This led me on a 2 week hunt into all the options available within a limited price budget. I'm not made of money.
This led me into looking far and wide for all options that I could get.
Along came an article from the website linked below.
A small form factor pancake 35mm M mount lens. Cute in design and tiny in comparison to the Elmarit. Perfect.
As for now only 1 roll has been put through the camera and I have not had any concrete results back but as far as usability comes in it is really great value for money it feels a lot more expensive than it is. The real results will come in March.
Moving to March..
Something I really need to start doing is shooting later in the day with my tripod. I have been thinking for a while now that I want to be making more shots at night. I would like to be making bigger moves into broadening my work past the daylight hours.
Jack x
5/50 Rolls Shot